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Start To Run: What Is The Perfect Beginner Running Program?

Are you looking for advice on how to start to run? This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to confidently and easily increase your running knowledge and mileage, allowing you to get the most out of your training while avoiding injury or burnout.

a group of runners

Start to run: Tips and strategies

1. Talk to your doctor

If you aren’t used to exercising on a regular basis, consult your primary care physician before beginning a running program. Depending on your medical history, your doctor may advise you to take specific precautions when running to reduce the risk of injury or illness.

2. Invest in basic running gear

Running requires relatively little investment to get started.

  • Running shoes: 

A good pair of running shoes is all that is needed for a beginner runner. Specialty running stores can assist you in selecting the correct shoe for your foot type and ensuring a proper fit.

  • Proper clothes: 

It’s also a good idea to dress appropriately for the weather when running outside. For running in cold weather, invest in breathable, warm layers of clothing made of Gore-tex or nylon, as well as a cap, gloves, and a lightweight fleece. When the weather is hot, dress in light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.

  • A way to carry your phone: 

In addition to the gear, many runners enjoy tracking their run progress and listening to music while running. If this is something that interests you, consider purchasing wireless headphones and a phone armband strap, as well as downloading a GPS run tracker app to your phone.

3. Warm-up and cool down properly

To avoid injury, it is critical to warm up before beginning your main running routine. Begin by walking for five minutes (or lightly jogging), then stretch with high knees, butt kicks, and leg swings. After your run, immediately cool down with some static stretching to aid healing and improve flexibility.

4. Stretching before and after running

Stretch for 5 to 10 minutes before your run and again afterward. Prior to exercising, focus on dynamic stretches like the quad stretch, followed by static stretches like the quad stretch.

5. Hydrate and eat properly

Drink plenty of water if you want to run successfully. For novice runners, stick to a simple hydration plan of two liters of water per day. Drink at least 16 ounces of water an hour before you run. Drinking an extra five ounces of water every 20 minutes or so during your run will benefit you. If you’ve worked up to long runs of more than an hour, bring a sports drink with carbs and electrolytes. To give you the energy you need before your run, eat something light an hour or two before: a protein bar, a banana, or a bagel with peanut butter. After your workout, recharge your batteries with a high-carbohydrate, high-protein supper.

6. Make running a regular habit

It is easier said than done to create and stick to a running plan, but if you make running a habit, it will become a part of your daily routine. Make a schedule before your first run so that you can run at the same times each week (avoid running on consecutive days when starting out). After each run, write down your schedule and post it somewhere visible, as well as come up with a way to reward yourself for sticking to it.

7. Practice cross-training and strength training

Changing up how you use your muscles is essential for avoiding injury. Once or twice a week, try different types of aerobic activity (such as swimming, cycling, or elliptical training) or strength training activities (like weightlifting, resistance band workouts, or calisthenics). These non-running workouts will engage a variety of muscles, which will benefit your running sessions in the long run.

8. Get a partner to hold you accountable

If you’re having trouble sticking to your running schedule, try finding a running partner who runs on the same schedule as you. You’ll be less likely to skip a workout, and you’ll be able to motivate each other while running.

9. Track your progress

Keeping track of your mileage is a great way to stay motivated and inspired to exceed your previous distance and pace records. Despite the fact that there are numerous free GPS run tracker apps available, a good old-fashioned paper and pen journal will suffice.

three people run

See also: 8 Types Of Runs Every Runner Should Know About


How to stay motivated

Like many other sports, running has a honeymoon period during which everything feels fantastic and you can’t wait to put on your shoes and hit the trail.

Then you may notice that your enthusiasm wanes. It’s useful to understand how to avoid burnout, whether you’re already struggling with motivation or want to get ahead of it.

  • Maintain a straightforward approach:

The first rule of staying motivated, especially in the beginning, is to keep things simple. Maintain a fitness routine that includes two days per week of running.

  • Increase your mileage gradually:

As your stamina and confidence improve, you can increase your weekly running schedule from two to three days per week. You can also increase the mileage on your running days, but not at the same time as adding an extra day and miles.

  • Run with a friend, family member, or running club:

If you need accountability to keep you motivated, enlist the help of a friend, family member, or running club. Meeting with people who share your goals can help you feel more energized.

  • Goals should be set and tracked:

Setting goals for yourself and challenging yourself to achieve them will assist you in remaining motivated. When you have completed your goal, reward yourself, and then set a new one.

  • Keep track of your progress by doing the following:

Keeping track of your running progress may assist you in remaining motivated and encouraged to set new goals. You can use an activity tracker to keep track of your weekly miles, running pace, and calories burned.


The perfect program to start to run

The first goal when starting a running routine is to keep it simple. Don’t be alarmed! You can choose from a variety of simple programs. In this article, we recommend the most recent running plan from the WellTraining app.

This running app lets you set different goals for each run. There is a wide range of musical styles and skill levels to choose from. It’s a unique way to keep your runs interesting.

Download app here: Android | iOS

1. Click on the Training button on the main screen. Choose your favorite plan. 

Start to run step 1


2. Here is an easy plan that you may start to follow: Start to run

“You have to start where you are, not where you think you should be. Start a plan right now!” – said the developers. This plan is for those who want to practice and get used to the intensity of running by the run/walk method.

There are 2 types of exercises:

  • The first one is a 7-week challenge.
    • This plan is for the already active, including “Walking routine” finishers.
    • You are looking to run for 4 days a week. The rest of the days are for rest.
    • You will run for 25-60 mins of each workout.
    • The final goal is to run an average of 30 minutes a day.

WellTraining 28-day start to run

  • The other is a 12-week challenge.
    • If your BMI is 35 or higher or just want gradual progression.
    • You are looking to run for 4 days a week. The rest of the days are for rest.
    • You will run for 30-35 mins of each workout.
    • The final goal is to run an average of 30 minutes a day.

WellTraining 48-day start to run


3. Decide what works best for you & Choose your mode of training. WellTraining will create a training that suits you.

Just follow it! Each day, WellTraining has detailed instructions for you.

This app also has a Recommend Pace function that will be read by the device’s voice while running. This Recommend Pace will be customized for each user based on their past stats.

Start to run 1


4. After you finish the workout of the day, click on the Pause button and then Save your daily workout. Track your metrics on the result page. Show details for more information.

Start to run 2


Running on a regular basis has a slew of benefits. It can improve your blood flow and cognitive function, as well as reduce stress and your risk of developing certain health problems.

A successful running regimen requires patience, perseverance, and time. Making a commitment, following through on a plan, and being consistent with your workouts are all great places to start.

Consult your doctor before start to run, especially if you have a medical condition. Your doctor will be able to advise you on how much and what type of exercise is best for you.


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